Have you ever thought about innovating the way you dress and adopting a new style? Come and discover the feminine Mandrake style and get to know some references!
You don't need to be the world's greatest fashion expert to realize that clothing trends are constantly changing.
From time to time we can see new movements from the most diverse origins emerging and, little by little, gaining space in our society.
And we're not just talking about the way we dress. This is because, although this type of trend usually leads to the arrival of a new style that will take over fashion for a certain period of time, these trends tend to emerge accompanied by new styles, hairstyles and haircuts, the use of certain accessories, and so on.
That said, you may have already noticed that we are going to talk about one of the main trends here in Brazil: the feminine mandrake style!
This style has already taken over the country's main capitals – mainly São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro – and is increasingly popular and, little by little, becoming the main topic of conversation when it comes to fashion.
It was with this remarkable movement and popularization of such an original and personality-filled style in mind that we had the idea of creating the content you are going to read today!
Here, you will better understand this style: what it is, where the movement originated, how to dress and what the main references are.
What is the mandrake style?
You may not be that familiar with the style, but I'm sure you've seen someone with this style or following this trend out there.
This is because the Mandrake style is a type of style that we have seen a lot lately in different places: on the streets, in music videos, on Instagram and especially on TikTok.
But what does this style mean? What does a mandrake look look like?
This term – which means stylish – has become a real craze among young people, especially those from generation Z.
This style is usually made up of elements such as: football team shirts, polo collars, thick chains, sneakers with clippers, eyebrows with keyholes – with those famous 'lines' that can be made with hair clippers or razors – and the famous Oakley Juliet mirrored glasses, which are one of the most popular accessories when we are talking about this style. All of them combined form the perfect look, nicknamed the 'kit'.
What is the origin of the movement that gave life to the style?
Despite the success and style having practically become a visual identity, many people still don't know the origin of the movement that became quite popular thanks to TikTok, but didn't start with the platform.
Mandrakes are young people from the outskirts of the city who attract attention because of their appearance. The mandrake style usually combines several elements that refer to funk, one of the most popular musical styles in the outskirts of the country's largest cities.
Despite having emerged as a kind of cultural manifestation to praise not only the outskirts, but funk itself, it ended up becoming a trend.
But despite its success, many people are not fully aware of what this movement represents, resulting in shallow reproductions that, despite being visually similar to the style, do not portray what the style really represents.
How to dress using the feminine mandrake style?
Now that you are somewhat familiar with the style as a whole, it is time to get into the main topic of today's text: the feminine mandrake style.
Also known as mandrakas, the female mandrake style is nothing more than the reproduction of the style for women.
But how to dress using the feminine mandrake style? What can't be missing from this look?
First of all, it is important to highlight that the Mandrake style is not just one. It has many variations and influences from other styles.
That said, the most common elements when we are talking about the feminine mandrake style are: eyebrows with a line, Juliet glasses, spring sneakers – Nike or Fila style – denim shorts, cropped top and a head accessory – it can be a bucket hat, cap or bandana.
In addition to items such as clothing, we also have piercings – which can be on the eyebrow, nose, tongue or even belly button – and tattoos.
What are the main references when it comes to the feminine mandrake style?
After learning a little more about what it is, its origins and how to dress following this striking style, I bet you're curious to see this information in practice, right?
And to help you better visualize this style, we have selected some examples of media personalities who have adopted the feminine mandrake style and continue to do very well when it comes to the trend and being a reference in the movement! Come check it out with us!

So, what do you think of the feminine mandrake style? Would you adopt it for your life?
After learning a little more about the trend and taking a look at some examples of looks inspired by this style, you can see that the feminine mandrake style is not for everyone!
And, unlike what many people might think when considering following a certain trend, most of them are not just interested in changing their look or having a new haircut.
Following a certain trend also has to do with adopting the style as a whole.
This way, your style will always be authentic and matching 100% with your personality!
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